The first 10 months of this year have brought about many conversations with FirstFleet’s driver population. These have been through driver safety meetings, online driver surveys and general discussions in driver breakfast meetings. These conversations have centered around the company’s desire to acknowledge and meet every employee’s hopes and desires for the best workplace for everyone. These interactions have helped us greatly in this process and we are grateful for the feedback you have provided.
FirstFleet was founded on the principle of being a dedicated carrier with service that is second to none. We recognize that our driver community is on the front lines of this mission, and we are grateful for your service to our customers. It is our desire to be an employer of choice, and we understand that meeting this goal requires adjustments from time to time.
There are many exciting new changes in the works to start January 1, 2016, but today I want to bring your attention to several of the specific items that will be changing.
- Low Cost Insurance - We are nearing the end of open enrollment. This year you are presented with a very low cost option for managing your health costs through the HDHP plan which includes a FirstFleet funded Health Savings Account. Open enrollment ends 10/31 - please be sure to evaluate this option for your health needs.
- Benefits Waiting Period - As of January 1, 2016 the waiting period for all benefits will be reduced to the 1st day of the month following only 30 days of employment.
- Paid Time Off (PTO) is a big deal. We will be implementing 5 paid days off based on the length of service with FirstFleet.
- Vacation Pay Out - Should you find yourself at the end of a year with vacation balances we don't want that to go unused. A cash out program will be formalized that defines how all full time employees may participate.
- 401K Match – Beginning January 1, 2016 we will be implementing a percentage employer match for all employees. Additional Details Here - Need to Enroll? Click Here
- Wingman Parameter Adjustment - We recognize the value of this device, but based on your feedback we see opportunity to adjust the intervals of alert and reduce the "noise" factor associated with it. Adjustments are in process now.
- Truck Spec Changes- Upgraded seats and upgraded mattresses on the latest new truck order and going forward.
We have many other areas we are looking at to add or make better that are not on this list. You will be receiving more information in near future.
It is my hope that as you read this message that you understand we hear you and are committed to continuing to make improvements based on your feedback. We want to continue to make FirstFleet an even greater company for all of our employees.
Thank you again for your time and service to our customers. You are the best drivers in the industry and you should be proud of the work you invest every day.
Daniel Piper