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October 17-23, 2010 the CVSA and FMCSA will be promoting commercial driver safety through the Operation Safe Driver campaign. Through enforcement and education of both commercial and non-commercial drivers the CVSA hopes to improve the safety performance of everyone on the road. Look out for increased roadside inspections and enforcement of dangerous traffic violations such as failure to wear seat belts and aggressive driving. Don’t give them a reason to stop you!
Posted in: Employees
I wanted to remind everyone that you may increase your voluntary life insurance by $10,000.00 without providing evidence of insurability.  You may elect coverage up to five (5) times your annual income, but only $10,000.00 of your new elected amount is what is known as guaranteed issue.  Anything more than $10,000.00 will require you to submit a form known as an Evidence of Insurability form (EOI) to Reliance Standard.  If you meet with a benefit counselor during your location's meetings, if you attempt to elect an increase of more than $10,000.00 the benefit counselor...

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Posted in: Employees
Open enrollment for the 2011 benefit year is well under way.  Meetings are taking place at all locations with 10 or more employees, the call center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. ET to 5:00 p.m. ET, and the self-enroll online site is available again this year.  All full-time employees have received packets at their homes outlining the benefits offered for 2011.  The call center number is 1-866-310-3992.  The call center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time through October 29th.  To view and print benef...

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Posted in: Employees
In response to Mr. Green's comment on this post: All employees are subject to the waiting period for electing enrollment in medical Plan 2, however it is actually a fourteen month waiting period that is unique to each employee, and the employee's hire date drives the eligibility date to move to Plan 2.  Once an employee has been on Plan 1 for a year he or she will receive a letter from the Benefit department offering the opportunity to move to Plan 2.  This is outside, and independent of the annual open enrollment. Any questions about eligibility, open enro...

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Posted in: Employees
Looks like some of you have been getting emails from us with no real content in the body. This is certainly not by design, but the good news is we believe this to now be resolved.  Please accept our apologies for this and any confusion we caused.
Yesterday we got some feedback from Russell - a 14 yr. driver out of Cleveland, TN - regarding his eagerness to get his dispatch via email and a problem he found while testing it out. Through conversation with him we were able to determine that the messages were delivered to his email account but they were sitting in his spam box. This is course is not a good thing to have happen, but we are happy to say we think the cause for this behavior has been located and corrected. However, we wanted to share this with you in case you too are not getting the emails as you would expe...

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Posted in: Employees
The DOT’s new safety program will be going nation wide in December of this year! The Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010, or CSA 2010, will maintain a drivers record for 3 years. As a driver you can manage this record by staying out of accidents and by getting clean DOT inspections. Remember, warnings count the same as citations under the new program. Manage your record – it will stay with you for 3 years!  
Posted in: Employees
Have you ever wished you had access to your dispatch sooner or wished you could get the information when you are away from your truck? A little while ago we released a tool on our website that is designed to give you this information here at www.firstfleetinc.com. This service has been well received because it provides enhanced information such as phone numbers, directions on file, etc - but - it requires that you be near a computer and it isn't designed to push this information to you as soon as possible. To address this item we are happy to announce an optional service that is des...

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We’re almost there!!!! Open Enrollment for the 2011 benefit year will start October 1st!!! As in past years you will have three ways to enroll available to you. You may meet with a Colonial Life benefit counselor on-site at your location (if your location has 10 or more employees). You may call the Colonial Life Call Center. You may self-enroll online at the website provided by Colonial Life for the exclusive use of all eligible full-time FirstFleet employees. On-Site Enrollment: Check with your manager for the days and times a Colonial Life benefit counselor will be on...

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Posted in: Employees
Driver Appreciation Week (September 19-25) marks a time to acknowledge the appreciation we feel for the job you do.  I want you to know that we appreciate what you do every week and day of the year. Your work and efforts to serve our customers in a timely and safe manner is no easy task. Year after year and mile after mile you stay focused on getting it done right. Accept our appreciation in the sincere manner it is given. Keep up the good work. I know you will. Sincerely, Gary Wilson  
Posted in: Employees
It’s that time of year again! Our annual open enrollment will begin on Friday, October 1st and run through Sunday October 31st.  As in the past there will be enrollers on site at your locations (unless you are at a location with fewer than 10 drivers) at times to be determined by your fleet manager.  Additionally we will again have online enrollment capability (available 24-7 once Open Enrollment commences), as well as a call center that will be open Monday through Friday during the month of October.  Be watching this site, as well as postings at your terminal for the dates and ...

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Posted in: Employees
In a recent post we demonstrated an exciting new feature we have for our drivers to obtain load information using web based tools. The response to this tool has been positive to far and we are excited to see what else we can offer to make interactions with our customers and employees more efficient. One request we received from Kevin - our Cleveland, TN Service Manager - was to include functionality in this trip sheet that gave feedback to the driver if a preventative maintenance schedule was due at the time of dispatch.  We love the idea and have implemented his request effecti...

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One of the most often requested features we have is for a driver to be able to obtain his/her load assignment information without having to be near the truck or by calling dispatch. We have heard this concern and are happy to announce a new tool to make this interaction much easier for all FirstFleet, Inc. drivers. Starting today we have a new tool called the Driver Load Board (myPortal -> Employee Resources) which we hope will address this problem in an efficient manner. Here is how this tool will work...  Navigate to www.firstfleetinc.com Click the "Login" link (cli...

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In this generation of new media we are excited to engage our partners and employees alike using new forms of communication where it is appropriate.  This tutorial is an example of one such instance where we desire to reach out to our driver population with training material that is not of a sensitive nature and should be consumable using any device connected to the internet. This tutorial is one of many we anticipate to follow where we desire to train a subset of drivers on how to use their in cab device to accomplish a specific task. In particular we have a business partner that has dem...

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For Operational employees that have been around FirstFleet for a while there is a resource we call the "portal" that exists inside our company. This web based resource has loads of reports and custom applications that many users lean on every day to make decisions and/or simply do their job.  The portal has served our company well for almost ten years and still is a very active part of the day to day function of the company, but alas - everything must come to an end at some point. While I cannot provide a hard date this resource will go away I can say that we are...

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