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FirstFleet takes great pride in our ability to operate an efficient fleet of equipment. We are regularly refreshing equipment in effort to take full advantage of the latest advancements in fuel economy, and we are supported by some of the very best professional drivers and maintenance staff in the business.

Good fuel economy is the result of a joint effort from everyone who has the ability to impact the performance of our equipment. This includes our drivers, our maintenance team and even back office staff who review the performance.

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Posted in: Employees
As the temperature drops, the number of slips and falls rise!

The effect weather has on workplace accidents and injuries cannot be overstated. Wind, rain, snow, and ice all play a part in increasing the frequency of several types of accidents and injuries. Snow and ice raise special safety concerns because they increase the likelihood of slips and falls, particularly on stairs, ramps, slopes, and parking lots

Accident studies indicate that almost 80 percent of slips and falls due to snow and ice occur in parking lots or on sidewalks. More than 50 percent occur in the morning between 6:00 a.m. and noon.

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Posted in: Employees
FirstFleet would like to wish everyone and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.

We would like to thank all of our employees for their dedication and hard work during this very busy time of the year. We know it is dedicated employees like yourself that make FirstFleet a great place to work while meeting our customer’s needs. We hope everyone has some time this holiday season to reflect back and be thankful for their family and friends. We are truly blessed to be such a large family.

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Posted in: Employees
Welcome to the latest edition of the FirstFleet newsletter, FirstFocus. In our last release of the corporate newsletter we introduced a new format that was easier to read on any device. This release is the second release of this updated format.

The new format enables us to deliver company information to a broader audience along with being environmentally friendly by reducing the number of printed copies. We will still distribute a smaller number of printed copies in each location for those that are interested in obtaining a copy.

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Friday I spoke with a driver our of Wichita Falls, TX. This driver was very helpful in tracking down a slight problem with the way the mobile site was presenting information in some situations, but he was also helpful because he brought to my attention the fact that it would be helpful to be able to view Hours of Service information when you are not in the cab of the truck.

In this conversation it became apparent that the driver wanted a simple interface to quickly view the status of the logs - how many hours remain, how long has a duty status been in progress. These details are known by FirstFleet so it was not a tough task to push this information directly to the website in a user friendly manner.

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Posted in: Employees

It has been a productive first day and a half of the new site. We have seen nearly 1400 different employees and partners using the site already. These numbers are very encouraging because they account for a significant number of our employees and business partners. Today's enhancements are designed to add some user friendliness to the mobile experience.

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Posted in: Employees

The new and improved www.firstfleetinc.com is now officially launched and ready for use. The new site has a bunch of enhanced functions and features all designed with the idea of making information more accessible while you are on the go and at your desk. To help with this transition we have created a set of tutorials to get you up to speed with the new form and function. We know change can be hard, and we have worked very hard to keep the tools simple and easy to use. We hope you are pleased with the results.

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It’s that time of year again! Driving a commercial vehicle during the often extreme driving conditions of winter presents many challenges for our drivers. Many serious crashes occur during winter driving months because drivers have not planned ahead! Good planning and a few simple good habits can protect you and those that share the road with you during the winter months ahead.

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Posted in: Employees
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon the blessings in our lives. As we think about the blessings we have in our life we think about our family, about the freedoms we enjoy, about our health and the daily provisions of the simple things we can take for granted. As you pause this Thanksgiving to reflect upon the blessings in your life I want you to know that we as a family are thankful for each of you who call FirstFleet home.

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Slip, Trip, and Fall injuries are the most frequent injury for drivers during the winter months. Each year thousands of professional drivers are injured due to winter weather conditions and not being prepared to deal with it. Working when ice and snow are present requires our full attention and awareness of the slippery conditions. Please review these tips for winter weather safety.

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Posted in: Employees
Each year our country celebrates November 11th as a day to remember and celebrate those that have served our great nation as members of the armed forces. There are a countless number of men and women who have willingly taken up the cause and colors of our nation to fight for and defend the freedoms we enjoy every day. At FirstFleet we wish to extend a word of gratitude and appreciation to all Veterans on this special day. The price of freedom has been very high. May we never take the blessing of choice and opportunity for granted. Thank you Veterans.    
As part of our efforts to assist you with your overall wellness opportunities, we want to provide another article related to the 401k plan offered by FirstFleet.  With 2013 drawing to a close in the coming months, it is a great time to review your 401k account and the allocation of your investments.  Not only is the amount of your investment important for retirement, but also the way your assets are invested.  It is recommended that investors review the allocations of their assets at least one time per year. The link to the attached article from Principal Financial Group gives ...

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Posted in: Employees
Lieutenant Governor of Indiana Sue Ellspermann recently visited Peyton's Northern in Bluffton Indiana.  Perry Glancy, Fleet Manager, was invited to sit in on a small round table discussion with about 25 other local business's regarding Business and Agriculture in Indiana and in particular Bluffton Indiana and Wells county. The first hour covered, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and the State's Role. After that, the State made an announcement that they will fund 20 scholarships to enroll in IVY Tech College CDL program. Representatives of IVY Tech College &&...

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Posted in: Employees
While most of our locations with more than 10 employees will have enrollers from Colonial Life on site during the month of October to share the attached video and meet with each benefit eligible full-time employee to make their selections for 2014, not everyone's work schedule will allow them to be present for those meetings. FirstFleet and Colonial Life wanted to make sure every interested employee and their spouses would have the opportunity to view the attached video which reviews the highlights of the 2014 Benefit plan year. Two videos are posted, one that is specific to the state of...

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Posted in: Employees
January 30, 2014 is the deadline for all states to collect medical card information from drivers who hold a commercial driver's license - (CDL). When you, as a driver, get a new medical card... Provide a copy to your state licensing agency before your card expires. Provide a copy to your company. Make sure you carry your medical card on your person to prove you are medically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle, and to verify any exemptions you may have. These requirement are already in effect in many states, but please note as of January 30, 2014 there is no...

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