Wellness Deadline Extended to 8/31 Wednesday, July 27, 2016 Wellness Committee We wanted to provide one last opportunity for all participants in the medical plan to complete the wellness screenings this year. The deadline for completing these assessments has been extended to AUGUST 31, 2016. ... Read More of the article Wellness Deadline Extended to 8/31
401K STATEMENT AVAILABLE ONLINE Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Dan Lamont Your 401k retirement plan statement for the quarter ending June, 30 2016 is now available online! To view or print your statement, just log into principal.com to view account information. If you have not yet s... Read More of the article 401K STATEMENT AVAILABLE ONLINE
2016 WELLNESS DEADLINE - JULY 31ST Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Wellness Committee Don’t miss your FINAL opportunity to avoid ADDITIONAL increases in your 2017 health insurance premiums. As we’ve been sharing over these last several months, to avoid these additional premium costs EVERY cove... Read More of the article 2016 WELLNESS DEADLINE - JULY 31ST
BlueCross AlwaysOn App Thursday, July 7, 2016 Mark McKnight As we approach the end of summer, that means that we are closing in on the July 31st deadline for all participants in the health and wellness program to complete their biometric screening and the Personal Health Assessme... Read More of the article BlueCross AlwaysOn App
Let Freedom Ring! Monday, July 4, 2016 Austin Henderson Across the land today flags are flying, grills are being fired up and people will gather to celebrate 240 years of our great nation. Our founding fathers believed in the hope of a nation where freedom abounds and they wo... Read More of the article Let Freedom Ring!