
Custom Solutions - Load Board

  • Wednesday, May 5, 2010
  • Austin Henderson

When we sat down to talk through what we would desire from our new web presence the single most recurring theme was being able to present our business partners with information that augments the traditional best in class service we provide from operations. We commonly run into scenarios where our business partners are unable to quickly obtain the information they need from their in-house systems - and to be honest in many occasions we have the informtion they seek - in our systems. Objective number one with this web presence is to be able to quickly deploy tools and resources to better meet the needs of our business partners.

This post is about one such tool - the Amazing Customer LoadBoard. We have a partner, who we will call the Amazing Customer. This partner desired to have a quick and easy view into their freight filtered by some criteria we were already consuming in our systems.  The concept was to provide a simple load board that allows this partner to see the status of, track the movement of and establish dialog about a movement within a few clicks. There are additional standard partner tools and gadget interfaces that fit the bill for basic load tracking, but this instance is a bit different in that it shows an all encompassing view into the freight without having to "search" for it.

We have posted a tutorial/informational video here. If you are an existing business partner or are in the market for a transportaion provider we would welcome the opportunity to talk about how we might meet the needs of your organization.

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