
Thanksgiving 2017

  • Thursday, November 23, 2017
  • Austin Henderson

We are as a nation a blessed group of people. We have freedoms every day that most in the world will only dream of. Today is Thanksgiving - a day of gratitude - a day set aside to give thanks for the blessings that we have in life.

Many in our industry may find themselves on the road servicing customers today. The life of a transportation professional is always on the go, and I thank you for your service and dedication. Wherever you find yourself today it is my hope that you are able to pause and reflect on the blessings in your life. There is much to be thankful for.

My guess is that if we were to list out the things we are personally grateful for there would be some overlap for sure - family, freedom, occupation, etc. - but because there is overlap that does not make these items any less important. The point is that these things are special in our lives, these things matter to each of us in unique ways.

My hope is that you are able to take a moment today and think of a few things that you would call blessings in your life... reflect upon what your life would be like without them. If its a person or people give them a call and let them know how you feel - let them know what you appreciate about them. If its something harder to attribute to one person - say our freedoms - find a way to appreciate and respect those who have fought to ensure it remains.

A heart of gratitude is a content heart and there are few things in life as significant as contentment.

Today I am thankful for ... 

  • My family and friends make my life abundantly more enjoyable and satisfying. They are blessings for which there are not words to properly describe.

  • My freedoms... I live in a country where I am free, and for that I greatly rejoice.

  • My health... something not to be taken for granted or under appreciated.

What about you... what are you thankful for? Will you consider sharing on our Facebook timeline one thing that you are thankful for today?

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