With driver appreciation week upon us, we are afforded the opportunity to give thanks to those who sacrifice day in and day out, 365 days a year. A time to reflect on and appreciate those men and women, who 24 hours a day are on the road. From gasoline, to medicine, to groceries, electronics and beyond, these are the professionals behind the scenes that make it happen day in and day out.
A week is hardly enough to show these men and women how much they are appreciated. We have a great dependence on their abilities, and have grown accustomed to having our comforts at arm’s length. Battling traffic, weather, fatigue, and the never ending task of time management, they make the most difficult situations seem endlessly easy.
Working with these struggles each day brings them closer than ever to each other. To sit back and watch their interactions is inspiring. Looking out for, assisting, and ensuring they are home to their families at the end of the shift is part of the daily routine. Through thick and thin, they continue to smile, laugh and pass on the stories of their adventures. From the homeowner blocking the dock, to the foot of snow that fell the night before, to the car upside down in the interstate, the continued enjoyment of their work is touching.
It’s difficult to understand how dedicated these folks are, even for those of us in the same loop. The time away from home, horrendous weather conditions, and countless hours, are all part of the “normal,” routine. It’s a dauntless task, to which we rely on the utmost professionals – yourselves! And for that we are grateful.
On behalf of all of us at FirstFleet in Denver, a heartfelt “Thank you!” to all of you. You’re tireless efforts, un-wavering commitment to providing outstanding service, and commitment to caring for each other is captivating. Your love for what you do, each and every day is above and beyond tremendous. We hope that during this time, we can show you, if even just a little, how much gratitude we have for you, you are appreciated more than we can ever express.
Happy driver appreciation week to you all!
Jason Gardner - Fleet Manager