We will never forget the horrific events of 9/11/2001. Fifteen years ago today our country was the victim of a brutal attack on our soil that lead to the loss of 3,000 innocent people. The events of this day have impacted the lives of those directly connected to the act of terrorism and countless others around the world. In one way or another this day continues to have impact on us as we grieve losses and work to create a safer tomorrow.
Today we remember the loss of many and honor those who have responded with courage to the call of freedom. We are as Americans blessed with freedoms and opportunity that to many in the world are beyond comprehension. The freedoms we enjoy are not without great cost, and to those who have served our country with bravery we owe a great debt of gratitude.
As transportation professionals we realize that our team is largely on the move. It is our sincere hope that wherever you find yourself today you are able to take a moment to remember the loss of many and give thanks for the service of those who have worn the flag.
May God bless you, your family and may God bless America.