The annual open enrollment for the 2016 benefit year will end as of 10/31/15. Many locations are continuing to have enrollment meetings right up to October 31st, and the website is available 24-7 up until midnight October 31st. The call center will only be available up to 5:00 p.m. on Friday October 30th.
To enroll by telephone Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST, call 1-866-294-4050 by October 30, 2015. A benefit counselor will explain all the options available to you and your covered dependents.
If you choose to participate via online enrollment you may do so from October 1st - 31st. Visit the FirstFleet Open Enrollment page (
www.firstfleetinc.com/openenrollment) to access the open enrollment system and a video highlighting the benefit options. On this page you will see information to connect you with the available online enrollment options.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to your Fleet Manager or
contact us online.