
Electronic Logs - Halfway Point

  • Friday, December 7, 2012
  • Lou Miller

Today marks an important day for our company – we are happy to announce that we have passed the half-way point with the implementation of electronic hours of service. There is no doubt you have in one way or another been exposed to this project already and there is a great chance that you are already online and using this new service. As of this update we have 680 tractors operating with E-Logs and are scheduled to complete the implementation for all tractors equipped with Qualcomm units by the end of March 2013

We have greatly appreciated the patience and understanding that each FirstFleet team member has contributed to this transition and want to say thank you for your help and cooperation. We have covered a large number of sites and trained a huge number of drivers in about a two month period. Much of the success of this project can be attributed to the cooperation our drivers have demonstrated and the hard work of our dedicated team of trainers and operations staff.

We would like to continue to remind you that the end goal of this project is to ensure we maintain industry leading safety scores and performance in conjunction with reducing the load that maintaining logs places on our driver community. We have heard from many drivers that the ease of interacting with the logs is one of the greatest strengths of this project. Overall comments from the drivers that have been operating the system have been very positive and they have been excited to see this project moving throughout the organization.

We have staffed a 24x7 support hotline that is dedicated to ensuring your questions are answered and that this transition causes as little pain as possible. The team managing this hotline has been encouraged by the great questions and conversations which they have had with our professional driver community.

One of the most common problems we are interacting with at the support line is with drivers that have forgotten to log out of the vehicle when taking an extended break. This has caused some issues with their hours of availability because they have remained on-duty when they are actually off-duty. If you do not log out of your vehicle the support line can walk you through editing your logs when you return to the vehicle, but as a general rule a great deal of problems can be avoided by logging out of the truck when appropriate.

Many drivers are not aware that they can review their logs at any time from any computer with Internet access. If you access and navigate to the Employee Tools section you will see a link that says Manage Qualcomm Logs. Clicking on this link will take you to a Qualcomm website that allows you to login and interact with your logs. For simplicity the information needed to login to this website are the same details that you login to the truck with. This site will give you the ability to review your logs from a simple to navigate set of tools.

Once again we are grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm for this safety advancement. If you have questions or concerns about this initiative we encourage you to check with one of the drivers that have the green electronic log sticker on their trucks to get their feedback or feel free to call our log support hotline at 615-800-7899.

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